Friday, 11 May 2012

Have you ever?

Have you ever been scared to go check on the kids cause they are being so quiet that you are sure they are doing something they shouldn't?  Have you ever wished you could install a volume button on your children?  Have you ever given your child a bloody nose?(accidentally of course)  Have you ever fed your kids cereal for supper twice in one week?  Have you ever really looked at your kid and thought to yourself, holy cow he looks so grown up, how did he get to be 7 already?"  That is the kinda week I have had.  Not a bad week just a challenging week.  A wise lady once told me that God gave me 3 boys because He knew I could handle them.  I am greatful for ladies who see me being "the enforser" with my kids or hear the stories and encourage me to keep it up.  They remind me that even though it is hard sometimes ( or alot of the time) that is a big part of why my kids are usually well behaved and polite in public.  It's hard for me to believe sometimes but what I try to teach them does sink in.
     I am going to have to get a bit more organized and get my slow cooker out for Mondays, Tuesdays and Wednesdays.  Those are soccer nights from 5:30-6:30 and with Brian gone for 3 weeks and only home one week this shift that leaves me with a totaly messed up supper and bedtime routine.  It threw us for a loop the first week but next week I will try to have it under control.
     I can't get over hom much little boys can eat.  My kids can snack all day long and then eat a huge supper and want a bedtime snack before bed.  I feel like I am constantly feeding them and all I hear is, "come on mom, I'm starvin marvin can I have something to eat.  The funniest thing is after supper they all pull up their shirts and compare their bellies and argue about whose is bigger.
     The other day we were looking at the tan the boys have on their arms from being in Mexico and Atley discovered again the hair all over his arms.  He got a goofy grin on his face and said, " I know why I have hair on my arms."  when I asked him why he said it was because he ate mustard!  I love that boy. lol

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