Monday, 26 September 2011

back to normal??

Are things back to normal?  What has changed.  Is it true that when the things outside of you are disorganized that the things inside you are disorganized as well? 
     I haven't blogged in a really long time, since July I think.  Mostly because I have felt tired and disorganized and frustrated and even discouraged.  I really haven't had much to say.  
     This past couple of weeks have been good.  I am feeling better, more positive and confident in myself and the things going on around me.  Not that things have become less busy or that I have grown an extra pair of hands to get things done with but.. I have recreated routine in my house and I have once again started to unpack boxes and organizes the stuff around me.   I have been working hard at being consistant in dealing with unwanted behaviors with my kids and have also been working hard at not saying "in awhile" or "later" when the kids ask me to play with them or help them with things.  I still have a billion things to do but if I waited for them all to get done I would never get to play with the kids.  The house work wil always be there, it is never ending.  There is an older couple that I know and they seem to have it all together, everything always perfect.  When I am having a bad day and the house is a disaster or the kids are trying my patience I think of a couple stories about that perfect couple. 
     First-  they were is church one day when their kids were young and their boy was causing trouble.  The mom took him by the arm and was leading him out of church but befor they left the sanctuary the boy quiet loadly said," don't beat me mom".  
     Secondly--  The husband said your house isn't really dirty if you can clean it in one day.  Untidy maybe but not dirty.

     So even the people who look like they have it all together all the time, don't.  Everyone has there moments, there moments of frustration, moments of disorganization, moments of being completely exausted. It is inevitable.  BUT  in the words of a wise woman I know " This to shall pass, it is how you come out the other side that matters".

     So... school has started, Anthany is in grade one and Atley at preschool.  I have started babysitting again and kids running around the house all day.  the calendar is full of hockey, swimming, kick boxing, doctors and dentists appointments, parent helper days at school, teaching sunday school and all kinds of other stuff.  But it's okay, as long as I take time to keep me and my space organized and happy then I know I can keep everyone else in this house organized and happy aswell.
      Guess that will have to be it for this first blog in a long while.  It s time for bed and sleep is a vey important thing for me to have in order to stay organized and happy.

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