Thursday, 21 July 2011

Things that make me smile.

     After 6+ years of cooking for Brian he said to me a couple of nights ago," this is my new favorite salad".  I have cooked alot of things, some from resipes and some experiments and I love it when Brian loves what I make.  I think the reason I love it so much is cause he works away 2 weeks at a time and then is home for 2 weeks.  When he is at work he eats camp food and they feed him really good, to the point that he critiques resteraunt food when we go out so anything that I make that is a favorite makes me smile.

     Atley, Alex and I went to the park the other day and we were all on the springy teeter totter.  When Atley was ready to get off he stood up and jumped off as his side of the teeter totter went up.  It wasn't to high and he thought it was fun so he did it 2 or 3 more times, giggling everytime.  Then he went to play on the rest of the play ground and went down the slide a few times.  Then as I was still sitting on the teeter totter I saw this kid flying completely vertical off the side of the slide abould half way up.  He didn't go far when gravity kicked in and he went straight down flat onto the sand.  I think he was stunned and just lay there for a minute before he started to cry and came running over to me.  I couldn't help but laugh, I tried to contain myself, while he was listening anyway, but I started to laugh when I told Brian the story and am even laughing now as I type this.   Soo funny. 

     Atley was involved in another laaughing matter on that same day.  We got home from the park and Anthany was out in the cul-de-sac fishing.  He got a kid sized rod from my mom and it had a rubber fish on the end of it so he could practice casting.  Atley watched him cast a few times and real it in and then must of thought it would be funny to catch the fish.  So here is Atley chasing a little orange rubber fish around that is bouncing back and forth across the road.  Part of the time he was even on is hands and feet trying to get ahold of it.  He looked like a monkey, and the funniest thing was that the rubber fish was attached to an almost invisable peice of fishing line.  Kinda reminded me of when you pull a piece string for a cat but they never quite catch it.  Made me laugh.

     I don't know about anyone else but I love the heat.  It has been 27 degees C in our house quite a few times this summer and that was hot.  When it finally cools down and the thermostat says 23 celius I actually get a sweater and put socks on.  Lol mmakes me laugh how our bodies adjust.

     MMM make chicken currie soup this evening, can't wait to have it for lunch tomorrw.

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