Saturday, 9 July 2011

Swimming pool can make everything all better.

    Our family was invited to a birthday party at the pool this evening.  We all had so much fun!!  I loved watching Atley as he threw 4 rings into shoulder deep water one at a time and then "diving" into get them.  His way of diving looked more like a belly flop or sometimes  head and his feet went into the water at the same time.  He did this for an hour, untill we had to get out of the pool and everytime he came up with a ring or two he had that twinkle in his eye, he was so proad of himself.
     Alex had alot of fun aswell he is getting less scared of the water  everytime we go to the pool  and I love it that he will jump into the water now and doesn't cling to me the entire time we are in the pool.  I think my favorite to see tonight was Anthany and Brian having so much fun together.  They have been knocking head alot at home and it was nice to see them spending time together having fun.  I think we are going to have to make this family pool thing a weekly event.

     Earlier today Atley was sitting on the toilet going poo and he called me to come and wipe his bum.  I grabbed the toilet paper and wiped his bum and he said,"that's mazing mom"  I asked him what's amazing?  He said," how you grabbed the toilet paper so fast, that's mazing hey mom, how did you do that?"  What do you say to that?  I just told him I had lots of practice.

     A little bit from "The book of Awesome" that I am reading.----Slides used to be dangerous. It wasn't just slides either.  Everything in the playground was more dangerous. And it was different and unique, seemingly put together by the neiborhood handymen who in a burst of creative energy one saturday morning emptied their garages of old tires, two-by-fours and chains and just nailed them all together.  There were wooden tight rope beams suspended high in the air...there were fire poles two stories high...and the merry-go-round,if you were lucky you would get a pile of kids on there and somebody's mom or dad would kindly whip you into a world of unimaginable dizziness.  A couple of the kids would fly off from the g-forces, but most would hang on, teeth gritted, eyes squinted and cheeks flapping wildly against the wind.  Some experts say that playgrounds have become so sterile and boring that kids just walk away from them, perfering instead to hang out in the weeds by the rail road tracks or throw bottles in the alley behind the pizza place. (The book ofawesome by Neil Pasricha)      I miss those old playgrounds, The good old day of the really tall swingsets that we did flips off of and the barf barrel that we spun the littler kids in till they barfed.  We learned what gravety was and learned how to stay out of the way when people were flying off the merry-go-rounds. 
     I think I am pretty relaxed with my kids at theplayground.  They climb high, spin fast, jump far, and love every minute of it.  When we are at the park with others, especially people we don't know I see them wincing when my 5year old kid wants me to spin him superfast on the merry-go-round then he flies off and tries to grab on again while it is still spinning and goes flying again. Or when my 2 1/2year old is sliding down the second story firepole while I sit back and cheer him on.  Or when I lift the 1 1/2 onto the hanging bar and let him fall/jump off on his own into the sand.    I think it is good for them.  They learn that if they jump from to high they get hurt and if they don't hold on they fall down  and if they stay on the mmerry-go-round to long they get really dizzy.  Why does every thing have to be so safe now?  I will expand on tis another time.

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