Friday, 8 July 2011

it's all in a days work.

     I made a decision last night to try to make things nicer than it has been around here.  Less fighting and yelling and whinning amongst the kids and more sharing and playing nicely.  I figured that in order for me to have the patience to deal with it in a positive way I should spend some time on myself aswell.  So after I got out of bed and fed the boys and myself breakfast Anthany and I went down stairs and he turned his music on load and played mini sticks while I did a workout video.  I never really feel like working out but I always feel better when I do.  So then shower and got dressed and got the boys dressed and went into the garage to find the kites cause it had been windy all morning.  Now I need some help with this next part, any input would be helpful.  Anthany is not good at sharing AT ALL but especially with Atley.  Anthany has 3 kites but refused to let Atley use any of them.  How do I deal with this non sharing issue??  It is all the time and with everything and everyone.  He wants to play with everyone elses stuff but wont let anyone play with his.  Anyway I found my kite and got it ready for Atley to play with and off we went to the park.  Some how as soon as we got there the wind died down and we couldn't fly our kites anyway.  The outing was nice though, well minus all the mosquitos anyway.  I wanted to try to keep the boys busy, thought that would give them less time to fight.
     We hooked up with some friends who came home and played for the afternoon which brough up more issues with Anthany not sharing.  man that bugs me. And it's not just not sharing, it's also "how come he gets this or that and I don't? how come he gets more thn me? it's not fair!"  How do I deal with this???  We played games(they argued about who had to clean it up) and colored (they fought about what coloring book they got to use) and made cookies(fought over who got to stir the most and who got the most chocolate chips) and listened to the thunder (fought about who heard it first) and looked for lightning(fought aabout who saw it and who didn't).  Quite and afternoon.
     Took Atley to his last swimming lesson and couldn't even do that without fighting and crying.  Anthany was with us and the boys fought over who was going to open the van door.  After supper I played board games with Anthany while Brian played with the other boys and then there was aguing about who got to read what book before bed and why can't we play more and read another book.
     So ya I tried hard to make it a nice day but seems to me like I am fighting a losing battle!!  I need reinforcements or another stratagy of something cause I am really tired of it all.  Ya know looking back on it after the kids are in bed and I have been on the tred mill again this evening it doesn't seem so bad but man when I am in it all day I just want to lock them in a room and let them kill each other or lockk them in seperate rooms and not let them see each other.
     Is it all in a days work?  I know they are my kids and I am here to teach them and look after them and love them but some days I just want to hang them from their toe nails from the ceiling!


  1. Good Morning Wanita! I can completely relate with the whining and crying and fighting and the how come he gets more attitudes. It is getting bad right now and a big part of it is the change in the sleep paterns because they are off from school. It also doesn't help that they can see that I am super busy this week getting ready for VBS next week and it is like they just know that the last thing that I need is to be dealing with cranky kids, so they do it. They all seem to only see what the others get and not what they do. A quick reminder or a "I guess I won't do this or get this next time because I do nothing for you", usually puts and end to that real quick. For the fighting we have enlisted the if you are mean to one of your siblings you must do once nice deed for them immediatly. Making them do push ups when they are out of line often works too. Just some of my ideas, it would be good to hear how other people deal with it too though. I love to read your blogs! I know that I am not the only one when I read them. Take care old friend and know that I am praying for you.

  2. Hey Adrea, I am always glad to hear comments letting me know I am not the only one dealing with stuff. I kinda feel old cause I used to babysit you but at the same time your kids are older than mine I think. Where are you guys living?

    9 July 2011 13:35

  3. lol Yes my oldest is 12 now(that makes me feel old) and my youngest is going to be 6 on July 19th and is going into grade 1 in the fall. I don't know how the time went by so fast with my babies. I am still in Saskatoon, I am working at West Portal Church as the Interim Children's Minister. I was really hoping Robbie would have a hockey tournament in Camrose this year so we could try and see you guys. Maybe next year.
