Sunday, 10 July 2011

today was the day!

     I wondered how long it would take for the boys to start playing with the chandelier hanging from the 18foot ceiling in our front enterance.  We moved in on June 18th and today is July 10th, so 3 weeksish?  I kinda thought it would have been sooner.   I heard Atley say, "yay we caught a fish, now we can have it for super."  That is when I went to see what thy were doing.  Anthany had taken the string off of one cat toy and tied it to the string of the other cat toy and they were "fishing" off of the railing at the top of the stairs.  They used the little stuffed fish toy that was on the end of the string for bait and were specifically fishing for a chandelier.  When I go there Anthany had already given the fishing rod to Atley and gone to his room, trying to avoid getting into trouble.  The upstairs rail and the chandelier are two things I knew I would have to be strict about when we moved in here, I don't want any kids falling onto a tile floor (or any floor for that matter) from the second storey.  They got a stern talking to and the fishing rods got thrown into the garbage.

     Today is also the day I started to get brave enough to let Alex run around the house with underwear instead of a diaper.  He is doing really well and hasn't pooped in his pants sinse the camping incident.  We even went to church today and he told me everytime he needed the potty.  I bought some diaper the other day and hopefully that will be the last time I have to do that.  Yay for no more diapers!!  Well untill September when I will be babysitting a couple little ones that will probably still be in diapers(what was I thinking?)

     Today has been a good day!  I also called the gym and signed myself up for a boot camp.  It is from 6:15-7:15am.  Am I crazy?  Maybe, but something has to be done about the spare tire that is blowing itself up around my belly.  The class is Monday, Wednesday and Friday mornings, guess I better be getting to bed ealier than I have been or I wont make it past the first day.

     I once again got a glimpse of the soft heart inside my sometimes outwardly gruff husband.  We were watching Marley and me last night while we were in bed and he turned the lights out.  He said it as because it was late and almost time to go to sleep but I think it was cause he didn't want me to see the tears in his eyes and rolling down his cheeks at the sad parts.  I know they were there even if I couldn't see them.

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