Saturday, 16 July 2011

men and their garages

     I just love to see Brian when he has a new idea for the garage, he is like a kid who discovered a new candy at the candy store.  Today it was all about shelves.  Shelves here and shelves there and ohhh check this out! I can build a shelf over there aswell.  I wonder what new idea will be tomorrows project?

Atley said to me today," mom I am going to be a man.  I am getting hair on me (while he was looking at his arms0 so I am going to be a man.  He is only 3, I hope he doesn't grow up to quickly.

We were sitting at the kitchen table and I am not sure how the conversation got started but I ended up saying I am special cause God made me special.  Then anthany said I am special too.  I told him yes you are and we are all special cause God made us all special.  Then Atley said you made me special mom.   I said yes I did.  Then Brian pipes up and sais I made you special too.  Atley looked at him and so did Anthany and Anthany asked what does he mean mom and I said never mind we arent going to talk about that now.  Glad that was the end of that conversation cause I don't think I am ready to answer those kinds of questions to the boys yet.

     Speaking of supper, we had an amazing supper!  I didn't know what to do with the left over chicken so I mixed it with veggies and mushroom soup and noodles and lots of garlic in a casserole dish  and spead a thin layer of bisquit dough and a bit of cheese over top.   Mmmm turned out so good.  When Anthany sat down he took one look and one sniff and said yuck.  I said pardon me?  You don't even know what it is and you haven't even tasted it so don't say anything.  Latter on after he had tasted it and had almost finished his bowl he said this is really good mom can I have some more?  I couldn't believe it, the boy who said yuck wanted more.  I love it when and experimental supper turns out so well.

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