Monday, 23 May 2011

first post

     So many times throughout the day I hear my boys say things and see my boys do things that I would like to write down and remember.  There are also times I feel a certain way or think a certain thing and wonder if anyone has been in the same place as I have.  There seems to be so much pressure to have the perfect child.  Cute, smart, well mannorred and obediant and when they are not those things we have to make excusses for them and maybe even feel like it's our fault as a mother that they are not.  I think that expecting a child to be perfect is like expecting a partly done painting to be a masterpeice.  They are growing and learning and kids will be kids.  Isn't it my job as a mom to DO MY BEST with what I have and what I know to raise these children God has blessed me with?  Doing my best is really hard.  It is like working overtime every day and going to school ful time.  Cooking, cleaning, laundry, teaching, ect, ect. plus studying each of my three boys to figure out what they need.  How they each learn best, what is their love languages and what type of disapline works best for each one at each stage they aregoing through.    This continuing education inludes many other ways of learning including reading book and talking with friends.  There is almost nothing that I enjoy more these days than hearing a story or reading a book about a mom that is not perfect.  The reason for that is because I am not a perfect mom!  I like to hear that it's okay to make mistakes, it's okay to have bad days and it's okay that I don't always know how to fix things.
     This blog is a way for me to share, and sometimes vent, things that are going on in my life with whoever cares to read it.  Talking (or typing) about things helps me to sort it out in my own head and may also help someone else realize that it is okay not to be perfect.  I will warn you, you may get a good laugh out of some of the stories aswell.
     When I was a kid I loved playing with and looking after younger kids, it was fun! Believe it or not I even asked if I could change the babies diapers.  Don't get me wrong.  I still love kids and everything that comes along with them but now I actually know what comes with them and I couldn't give them back even if I wanted to, CAUSE THEY ARE MINE!!  All three little boys and my husband make four.  I love them all to peices and wouldn't trade them for all the gold in all the pots at the bottom of all the rainbows there have ever been. 
     I read a saying on a picture frame the other day.  It said,"Remember, to everyone else we look like a nice normal family."  Hopefully this blog wont change that!  We will still be a nice normal family with many imperfections as we strive to do the best we can... 

1 comment:

  1. I like the part of going to school full time to study each of your kids- so true, well said! looking forward to more... from another not perfect mom!
