Tuesday, 24 May 2011


     There are many reasons why I love Tuesdays.  To me Tuesdays may a swell be the first day of the week.  Anthany goes to school all day, Atley goes to preschool in the afternoon and Alex sleeps for an hour while the other 2 are gone.  The 2 little ones play nice together while I clean up the house and they even help me vacuum.  I do find it amazing that by the time I have vacuumed the whole house I can go back to where I started and it needs to be done again.  By the time lunch times comes the laundry has been washed, dried, folded, kicked over, folded again, dropped on the way to the bed room and stuffed into the wrong drawers.  The dishes from the night before are now out of the dishwasher and it is almost full again but at least the counter and the table are clear (well mostly).  And after lunch means that I take Atley to preschool and I get look over my shoulder while I am driving home and see the cute little creases on Alex’s forehead as he fights to stay awake but is almost always sleeping by the time we get home.
     Now if the morning has gone as planned this Tuesday afternoon is my first quiet time of the week.  I can make and eat my lunch with no interruptions, I can sit and watch 2 episodes of Family Feud and actually hear all the answers (the best part of that is the sitting).  I can get supper prepared in half the time I would be able to if I had 3 kids running around the house.  And now that I am blogging I can sit and share some stories will all of you.
     Today after Anthany’s  soccer game we went to Atleys preschool Graduation.  So cute!!  How can a bunch of three and four year olds singing songs and waving at their parents not be cute.  Atley even yelled out from the stage,”  mom are you taking pictures of me?”  Atley looked so adorable in the white sweater and blue jeans he was wearing but not such a good choice on my part considering there were snacks after that included chocolate cup cakes, chocolate squares, chocolate cookies and chocolate Tim Bits along with everything else.
     Guess what I learned how to do today.  I learned how to unhook the cables from a car battery and attach it to a charger.  We were on the way out the door this morning to take Anthany to school and the van wouldn’t start.  The lights that the boys play with in the back of the van had been left on too long and the battery was dead.  It really is amazing how quickly I can change car seats and boosters from one vehicle to another when I really have to.  And the other day I learned how to take the winter tires off the car and put the summer ones on.  Mmm what will my next C.E. (continuing education) credit be?
     I am kinda excited!  The current owners of the house that will soon be ours has agreed to let us in the house tomorrow to take some measurements.  Windows, little nooks stuff like that.  I think I am more excited to order the boys bedding sets and curtains than they are.  We are also looking at some really nice antique furniture!  Less than a month till we move in!
     Alright, I am off.  Time to go check the battery charger on the van and get the house in order.  We have friends coming over tomorrow to make buns with us.

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