Wednesday, 25 May 2011

my little girl.

Is it just me or do lots of moms let their last babies hair grow even if he's a boy?  I went shopping at Superstore yesterday and when we went to get a cookie club cookie the lady in the bakery told Atley to give one to his little siser.  I thought it was kinda funny, he didn't even have a hood or a hat on or anything.  Guess his hair is getting a little bit too long!
     Today was a good reminder that doing nothing with the kids is alot of times more work than doing something.  Nobody was awake till 8:00, including me so that was an awesome start to the day but my quest to make bun, bread and orange buns started while the boys were eating their breakfast and didn't end till mid afternoon.  I encouraged the boys to entertain themselves, they do afterall have a billion toys and other things to do.  The thing is when I have a plan and stuff to do they just want to do their own stuff but when I want them to do their own stuff all I hear is,"mom what do you want to do with us?"  or "mom can you play a game with us?"  Usually I can multitask pretty good but when my hands are full of dough it is hard to do much else.  I guess my point is that if I doing something with the boys or direct them to something and get them started the mess stays localized but if I do nothing the entire house is the mess.  It all worked out in the end, we had fried dough for lunch.  For anyone who doesn't know what that is it's bread dough that has been stretched thin and fried in a pan then butter, cinnamon and sugar is put on top.  Mmmm so good!!  My dad used to make it for us all the time when he or my mom were making buns.  I even had entertainment, the two little boys sat on their pottys and sang the alphabet song over and over while they did their business. 
     I love the look in a kids eyes when they learn something new.  I saw that look in Anthany today when he was sitting at the table doing "homework" (I get him to do printing or math sheets before he is allowd to play Wii).  I was saying words and he would have to spell them out on a paper like bat, mat, rat and so on.  Then Brian asked him to spell mate.  I explained that the "e" on the end makes the "a" say it's own name.  After he did a few of them he got the hang of it and every time he did another one he flashed me his big smile and I saw that twinkle in his eye.  I love it!
     I get to be parent helper in Anthany's kindergarten class tomorrow, should be fun.  Last time I was there I overheard a conversation between a couple of the boys while they were getting ready for recess, it went like this. First kid- "I wonder why these are called lockers?"  Second kid- " cause they lock and they are ers"  So cute, I love it.

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