Monday, 30 May 2011

Go play on the road.

     I had taken the younger two boys and went to Saskatoon for a wedding.  We camped with my parents Friday and Saturday nights.  It was a really good time and the boys got good and dirty!  They played so hard all day and slept so good all night.  They even slept in even though the sun makes a tent trailer really bright really early by the end of May.  My parents we so accomadating, My mom even stayed in bed till the boys woke up even though she had to go to the bathroom really bad.
     On Friday night my cousins and their kids came to our campsite to roast marshmallows and play.  My cousin laughed and mmade a comment when she heard me say to the boys," you guys get away from the fire, go play on the road.  Of course it was a very quiet campsite road but it was kinda funnny, when else do you tell little kids to go play on the road?  Another things I caught myself saying was," it's okay if your hands are dirty, just wipe them on your pants". Once again, when else do I say that to my kids?  Whatever, things are different when you are camping.  The adults got to visit and the kids got to play outside till  way past their bed time.
     The wedding was on Saturday and durring the ceremony I was sitting by my little brother(6'9"), okay maybe just my younger brother.  Anyway I had Atley and Alex and he had Anika and Kiera, two 3year olds and two 19month olds.  I was pretty impressed that we kept 4 kids under 4 years old quiet for 40 min. till the wedding was over.  Good thing I bought Twizzlers and Sweet Tarts at the gas station on the way there!
     We were supposed to  go to the forestry farm on Sunday before we went back to N. Battleford but it rained so we didn't end up going.  I was kinda disapointed cause I wanted to see the boys reaction when they saw all the animals.  Oh well, I got to hang out with some friends in N.Battleford instead and catch up on who is dating who and all the other news going on around there.  My dad made a fire in the back yard on Sunday and we had a weiner roast and made smores.  Mmm smores!  I just couldn't believe Alex, he loved roasting the marshmallows and he didn't seem to mind eating them but he didn't want the stickyness on his hands.  Kinda funny considering my other 2 would be covered in white stickyness before they were done if I let them.
     The boys are all really good travelers and the driving part of the trip seemed to go extra smooth this time.  I think it was cause only one of the 2 boys I took can talk so they couldn't really fight.  Whatever it was it was nice and quiet most of the time in the van,  minus the times when we were "dacing" and singing to the Veggie Tales CD.  On the way home I really wanted the boys to have a nap cause the weekend was busier than normal and Atley had a soccer game when we got home.  Neither of them slept on the way home UNTILL we got to the stop light about 4 min from home!  I thought to myself, you have to be kidding me!  .  Little did I know there would be another You have to be kidding me moment when I got home.  It was when I walked into the house and every dish, cup and utensil that had been used over the whole weekend was either on the kitchen table or stacked in the kitchen sink.  But once again I just thought it and didn't say it out loud.  I did however verbalize those 6 words when I walked into the bathroom and found Anthany's Swimming suit and towel still wet and in it's bag from 2 days before.  REALLY!!   You have to be kidding me.  Glad I wasn't gone for a week!! 
     I had such a pleasant welcome aswell, NOT.  LOL  Anthany gave me a hug and said he missed me but right after that he asked if I brought him lots of candy and when I said no he spent the next half and hour pouting and being mad at me lol.  Oh  speaking of being mad...... hahahaha.  Atley woke up this morning crying and sounded upset.  I head my mom go in his room and ask him if he was okay and if he was comming out.  He was all upset and said, no mommy wont let me come out of my room".  I got out of bed and when in there and he was down right mad at me.  He didn't stop being mad at me for about 10 minutes.  I kept asking him if he had a bad dream and if that was why he was upset but he was convinced I had been in his room and had told him he ccouldn't get up.  My boys(even Brian) talk in their sleep so I don't have to imagine, I know some of there dreams are pretty good ones.
    Well the house is back to nornal if there is such a thing around here and we are all in bed early  so the first day of our week will be a good one tomorrow.

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