Wednesday, 20 June 2012

being real

Have you ever thought you have done everything right?  But there is that one little thing that someone thinks should have been done differently.  It distroys the good feeling of haveing worked hard and gotten things done and turns it into a feeling like you can never do anything right.  I hate that feeling!  Don't we try to praise our kids for doing the right things and trying hard?  Shouldn't we do that as adults aswell?  I know most people will say, "ahh don't worry what other people say or think".   But really it does matter what  certain people say or think, not everyone, but certain people.  You want things to be perfect or you want to have done things right, the way they would like it, to make them happy.  I think the worst for me is when I do something to try to be helpfull and I get told I shouldn't have or I have done it wrong.  It crushes me.
      I don't know about the rest of you but as an involved parent and as a day home provider just need to get used to the fact that things will never be perfect.  The counters will never be completely empty, the laundry will never ever all be done, there will always be atleast one garbage that is full, the floor will always be sticky somewhere in the house, The school library books will sometimes get forgotten, the windows will always have fingerprints on them unless you see them within a minute of getting cleaned, the supper dished sometimes get left on the table till morning, meals arent always on time, homework doesn't always get done and bed rarely get made.
     When I look at all that stuff that doesn't get done I think wow tat is alot of stuff but then I think of all the things I do get done.  I feed the kids 3 meals and 3 snacks a day if not more, I make special snacks like yogurt pops and banana ice cream, I get the kids dresses(most days) and have to make sure they all have on underwear and socks and that their pants are on the right way.  I make dinosaur eggs and scavenger hunts, I empty the trash, change cat litter, water the pants, cut the grass, clean the house(constantly), I read books, break up fights and teach manners, I call other moms and confirm attendance at b'day parties, I buy and wrap gifts, I take the kids to the park and for walk and let them play in the mud so I have even more stuff to do.  I teach Sunday School and take my turn working in the nursury  The list could go on and on and on and on.  I know it is a billion times longer than the list of stuff I don't get done and honestly I would rather keep doing all the stuff I do and forget about more of the stuff I don't get done.  If I could make one major change I would add an extra hour to the day and specify that it is mommy time.
     I guess I am just a bit frustrated.  I know some people do big things and that is great but I just wish that one day people would see that all the little things that moms do all the time add up to big things aswell.  And just cause it may seem like a bunch of little things that we moms do doesn't make it any easier than the big things others do.  Not harder or easier just different.

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