Monday, 6 June 2011

Never enough food!!

     I made spaghetti and meat sauce for supper tonight and everyone had seconds.  Atley finished a big bowl and a half at 5:20 then I took him to soccer.  At 6:00 it was snack time at soccer and he had a yogurt tube.  Then as he was running up and down the field he stopped by the side line and said, "Mom I am really kinda hungry."  Then after soccer we got home and I gave him another bowl of spaghetti and then a bowl of ice cream.  This boy never stops eating.  I am scared of what the food bill will be when my 3 boys are teenagers.  They will eat more than their dad and that is scary!

     I really enjoyed watching and listening to the kids today.  We had a couple girls over for a play date and all five kids were playing in the water and in the sand box.  They found some worms very early on in the afternoon and spent the rest of the time looking after them and making homes for them and passing them around.  A few time I even heard a couple kids crying cause they had lost there worms then screams of excitement when they had been found again.

     It is just amazing how much recycling our family piles up in a week, especially now that CentraCam is accepting plastics.  We have big boxes in the garage where we seperate everything into there designated piles and they fill up way to fast.  Strawberry and baby tomato containers, newspapers,soup cans, juice boxes, plastic bags and milk jugs ect. ect. So much packaging.

     Does anyone else have the problem of -if it looks different it must taste different?  My boys are usually pretty good eaters and they arent very picky but at least one of them(Anthany) thinks that home made strait cut fries taste different than home made curly fries.  Brian had bought an apple peeler/corer just before christmas last year and the boys love it for apples and for potatoes.  It peels the potatoe and spirals it.  We then add a touch of olive oil and a bit of seasoning salt then bake them in the oven.  All the boys eat tons of then but the other night I just cut up the potatoes and put the oil and salt on then and baked them like normal.  But, I am sad to say that there were alot of leftovers.  Sometimes it is all about the fun of food.

     Kids like routine, they like to know what they can and cant do and what the day holds.  At our house every night after supper the boys go to there room for 30 minutes to play by themselves or with each other.  It gives me time to clean up, watch the news or just relax for half an hour.  They know that that's the way it is and don't complain most of the time.  But you know it is amazing, if I ask them any other time to just go play in their room for awhile it is hard to keep them in there. 
     Bedtime is another important routine at our house.  Brian works in camp 2 weeks and home 2 weeks so when he is gone I really need bedtime to go smoothly so I have my evening to clean up, get ready for the next day and have some time for myself.  when Brian is home I need that time to do all my normal stuff plus to spend time with him.
     Right now my bedtime routine is being slightly interupted by a little boy who is outgrowing his afternoon nap.  When he sleeps just a bit to long in the afternoon he doesn't want to go to bed till 10:00pm but if he doesn't nap he is a bear by 5:00pm.  To find that perfect ballance is the trick.

     Now for an update on my challenge.  I went to Jay alkers with my boys and we went on all the rides and had alot of fun just like we planned.  AND we walked by all the sales and the games and I never bought a thing.  Anthany did find a toonie on the seat of one of the rides that he was on and bought cotton candy with it.  I was also offered a 50% off deal on some books but turned it down.  It is only a deal if you really need it right!?!  As for the chocolate and chips well I havent had any but I think I will have to add buttered popcorn, brownies and squares to my don't eat list.

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