Wednesday, 22 June 2011

oh the joys of moving

     Oh the joys of moving!  Packing, cleaning, and painting the house was just half the battle.  Then I had to keep it that way while the realators showed it.  Luckily the second people that looked at it bought it and I didn't have to worry about the house quite so much. Untill moving weekend that is.  Things didn't go quite as smoothly as planned and we ended up starting the move a day early because of the rain and I didn't quite have every thing packed yet.  It rained almost the whole time we moved and once we were finished it got really nice out.  We were really blessed to have such nice neighbors, the came over Friday morning and said," it is supposed to rain all weekend, would you like to borrow my 18 foot covered trailer?"  I we didn't have that trailer we and all of our stuff would have been really REALY wet.  Another friend had the boys for the day on Saturday which was amazing, they weren't being run over all day by guys with boxs.  I am thinking once again about Anthany saying he could take bags of stuff and put it on his handle bars on his bike and take it to the new house.

     Now that we are here we have to make this home which means unpacking all those boxes that we had just packed up and make all that stuff fit into this new house.  Guess it isn't a matter of if it will fit but a matter of where it will fit.  Unpacking the boys new rooms was so much fun for me cause they each got a new bed and new bedding.  They each have their own rooms.  Anthany picked pirates, Atley picked Jungle and we picked Monkeys for Alex.  Their rooms look so good!  I can't complain, our room is pretty nice aswell.  It is huge but right now it is a huge mess and still has boxes EVERYWHERE.  Every night we unpack and set up more stuff and every night i say I am going to go to bed early but I never do.  There is always a box to unpack or some thing to put away.  
     Brian finally found the dish washer soap so I could turn on that full load that has been stting there for awhile and as soon as that was finished there was anoother pile waiting to go in.  Thank you to whoever it was that invented the dishwasher!  My mom is here and got the laundry all caught up(I think 4 loads), that God for moms!

     The cul-de-sac location is awesome.  The boys are out all the time riding their bike and playing hockey and there is almost no trafic to bother them.  There is a day home across the street and tons of kids around here.  Can't wait for the boys to meet all the neighbor kids.

     So lots of changes around here that came with this new house.  The boys each have their own rooms, Alex is in a big bed, Alex is also almost potty trained and is getting an eye tooth(grumpy), school is almost done and SUMMER HAS ARRIVED!  You should see Brian, he is so cute, he is downstairs setting up the flatscreen tv along with the sterio system with all the extras he has been wanting for YEARS.  He even had it cut out of a magazine and had it on the fridge for a really realy long time.

     I will have to continue this later, it is going to be midnight in one minute and that is way past my bed time.

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