Tuesday, 7 June 2011

Which way are we shooting?

     I really enjoyed watching Atley's team play last night.  They are called the black dragons and they sure are cute in there matching jerseys that go down to there knees(and on some kids past their knees).  I especially got a kick out of the little huddle they had after their practice and after snack just before the game started.  The coach sat the team down on the grass and said," okay, which net are we shooting on today"?  The kids thought for a minute and most of them pointed towards the other teams net.  Then the coach asked,"okay, where will our goalie stand?"  Most of the kids pointed at our net. "and where will the other teams goaile stand? coach asked  It was funny cause some of the kids still didn't have it all sorted out, they were still pointing at the wrong net.  I remember what a friend said when Anthany was still in U4 soccer,  she said when they are this young we are doing good if we keep them all running on the right field.  So true!!

     So ya, Alex(19 months) has discovered the freedom of running around the house with nothing on.  This evening he unzipped his P.J.s and wriggled out of them, then came over to me and pushed his hips forward and grabbed his diaper and said "du"  He wanted me to take his diaper off.  So I did cause it was wet, but he refused to get a dry one on.  He poops in the potty 9 times out of 10 I thought it would be fine.  I did try to keep an eye on him.  Finally 30 minutes later I told him it was time to go to bed so lets get jammies on.  He didn't like that idea so I picked him up and took him to his room, put a diaper and jammies on then was going out of the room to say goodnight to daddy when I felt something squishy under my foot(thank God I was wearing socks).  I had stepped in a log Alex had layed right by his bedroom door.  GROSS!!!

     Berries and yogurt is a favorite snack around here, and Atlley really likes Saskatoon berries.  Tonight after Anthany's soccer game I got all the boys to table and got them each a bowl of this favorite snack.  As I was bringing it to the table Atley asked me," mom are they askatoon berrries?   He calls them askatoon berries all the time, not sure why he has a hard time with the 's' but it makes me smile everytime.

     In Jan. 2010 I started writing down some of the cute and funny things that my boys do and say.  I started reading some of then again today and I will share some of them with you. 
     New years day 2010  --  Today starts the beginning of a new year and what a better way to start off a new year than to tell your brother to do something you know he's not supposed to do then tell on him. Brian and I were sitting eating our breakfast and we both noticed it got really quiet downstairs where the boys were playing.  Next thing we knew Anthany came upstairs and wispered in my ear," mommy Atley peed in a bucket down stairs."  So I go down stairs and find Atley with his pants down and his bum stuck in a bucket with pee in the bottom of it.

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